Where do Hardware Store employees fit?
- It depends on the State; they are typically falling in a Phase 1B or 1C. However, if they are 65 and older they may receive the vaccine (State specific see the links below) regardless of their profession.
Should I develop a vaccine policy and require the COVID-19 Vaccine?
- For some employers, implementing a mandatory vaccination policy makes sense, particularly for employees in positions that provide direct health care, caretaking of children and the elderly, or serving other populations at elevated risk from COVID-19. However, there are several important exceptions to a mandatory vaccine policy, making a policy that encourages-but does not require-vaccination easier to administer for many employers.
- It is challenging to mandate a vaccine policy when it is not available to all. We will continue to monitor how employers and employment related government agencies (i.e. EEOC, DOL, etc.) are handling this.
Where to get the vaccine?
Access the Vaccine Through (you may have to schedule an appointment):
- Health Care Provider
- Pharmacy
- Local Health Department
- Tribal Public Health Department
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
CDC COVID-19 Vaccine Allocation Table
COVID-19: Vaccine Phases and Eligibility
COVID-19: Vaccine Frequently Asked Questions
COVID-19: Vaccine Phases and Eligibility
COVID-19: Vaccine Information and Guidance
COVID-19: Vaccine Phases and Eligibility
COVID-19: COVID-19 Mitigation and IDPH Resources
North Dakota
COVID-19: Vaccine Phases and Eligibility
COVID-19: Additional Information
South Dakota
COVID-19: Vaccine Phases and Eligibility
COVID-19: Updates and Information